Signs Speak for Your Business

Signs Speak for Your Business

Tips For Creating The Perfect Sign For Your First Marketing Event

Lisa Hale

When your first public marketing event is approaching, one of the things you should prioritize is the signage that you have created. Remember that your signs and graphics will be the first impression that attendees will get of your business, so you want to make it a good one. If you've never designed these types of signs before, you may not know where to start. Here are a few tips that you should keep in mind.

Spotlight Statistics When Possible

Since attendees will scan signs before they decide which booth they want to stop at, you'll want to give them a reason to be intrigued by your business. One of the best ways to do this is by showcasing your success. For example, if you're in the customer retention industry, you might consider listing statistics for the percentage reduction of customer attrition you've achieved. For companies that offer customer development, list the percentage of new customers obtained. Showing your performance will give attendees an idea of what you could do for them.

Optimize Your White Space

Without some white space on your signs, the text you want the customers to see will get lost in the color and graphics. Make sure you allow for some white space so that the text can be easily read from across the marketing space. Consider how far away you are likely to be from your target audience so that you can be sure that your sign can be read.

Keep Your Message Simple

The fewer words you use, the better it is for quick scannability. Resist the urge to explain yourself and simplify your message to as few words as possible. Remember that the goal is to draw customers in. You can explain your service to them once you've done that. After you've written your marketing message, re-read it a couple of times to be sure that it's concise. Focus on the key information, then worry about elaboration once you've drawn them to your booth.

The easiest way to do this is to narrow down your key message to one single thought. Then, express that thought with a well-placed graphic and short statement. The combination of the two will get your point across clearly, and it won't be too complex for quick scanning.

With these tips and the help of a sign creation and design company, you can build the marketing event sign you need for your company's event. Don't let inexperience or misunderstandings cost you key interaction. Talk with a sign development company near you today.


2024© Signs Speak for Your Business
About Me
Signs Speak for Your Business

Hi. My name is Midge Holly. I owned a small arts and crafts supply store for over twenty years. During those years, I saw many changes, including the World Wide Web come into play for businesses. People scrambled to learn how to make a basic website. A few years later, they were learning to make more complex sites. Then came online sales and shopping cart programs. It was all fun and exciting, and I was right up there with the others. However, there is something that didn't change in my years of retails sales. That is the importance of signs for your business. Your business's sign is the hallmark of your business. It catches the eye of those passing by; it is what people remember you by. I want to share more about signs and their value. I hope you find this to be helpful information.